How to Write Secure Code and Prevent Common Vulnerabilities

Writing secure code is crucial to protecting your applications and data from cyber threats. With Python becoming increasingly popular, it’s essential to understand how to write secure code in Python and prevent common vulnerabilities. This article will explore best practices and provide examples to help you write secure Python code.

Input Validation:

One of the most common vulnerabilities is insufficient input validation, which can lead to issues like SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS). Always validate user input before using it in your code to prevent these vulnerabilities.


import re

def validate_email(email):
    pattern = re.compile(r’^[\w\.-]+@[\w\.-]+\.\w+$’)
    if not re.match(pattern, email):
        raise ValueError(“Invalid email address”)

email = input(“Enter your email address: “)

In this example, we use regular expressions to validate an email address before proceeding with further operations. By enforcing input validation, we ensure that only valid email addresses are accepted.

Password Hashing and Salting:

Storing passwords securely is crucial to prevent unauthorized access. Instead of storing plain-text passwords, we should use techniques like hashing and salting to enhance password security.


import hashlib
import os

def hash_password(password):
    salt = os.urandom(32)  # Generate random salt
    key = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac(
        ‘sha256’,                 # Hashing algorithm
        password.encode(‘utf-8’),  # Convert password to bytes
        salt,                      # Salt
        100000                     # Iterations
    return salt + key

hashed_password = hash_password(“mypassword”)

In this example, we use the hashlib module to hash the password using the PBKDF2 algorithm with SHA256 hashing. We also generate a random salt for each password, adding an extra security layer.

Secure Database Operations:

When interacting with databases, preventing vulnerabilities like SQL injection attacks is crucial. The use of parameterized queries or prepared statements can help mitigate these risks.


import sqlite3

def get_user(username):
    conn = sqlite3.connect(‘database.db’)
    cursor = conn.cursor()

    query = “SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ?”
    cursor.execute(query, (username,))

    user = cursor.fetchone()
    return user

In this example, we use a parameterized query to retrieve a user from a SQLite database. By passing the username as a parameter, we prevent the possibility of SQL injection.

Additional reading :


Writing secure code is an ongoing process that requires vigilance and staying updated on the latest security practices. This article discussed some best practices for writing secure Python code, including input validation, password hashing and salting, and secure database operations. By implementing these practices in your Python projects, you can reduce the risk of common vulnerabilities and protect your applications and data from potential cyber threats.

These examples provide a starting point for writing secure code in Python. If you have any further questions or need assistance with any specific security concerns, feel free to reach out!


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